Below is a listing of the services offered by Zarwerks. Like our parts pages, different services are offered by different individuals in the company. Just click on the links below and you will be presented with a page about that service with the appropriate contact information. |
Part | Picture | Pricing | Links | Details |
'55 -'57 SWF Flasher Restoration | $35 if repairable | We've solved
the mystery of these quirky little early SWF flashers. They
are relatively easy to find at the swaps because they so seldom actually
work! But if they are not permanently damaged inside, we can get
them back to perfect condition again (and yes, make them actually flash
the indicator bulb in the speedometer too!!). They are disassembled, cleaned and then set up on a special test bench that mimics exactly the electrical loads in the late ovals. They are then re-assembled with new semi-tube rivets and mounting grommets. The housings are polished and even the correct green rivet head paint is re-applied. Nothing less is right for your correct oval restoration. |
"K" Intake Manifold Restoration | Quoted based on original condition part | We've devoted a whole informational page to this service that show cases one of our restorations. Click here to go to that page. Cost for these services varies heavily by condition of the original part, but usually falls between $150 and $300. |
JH 11.29.09